Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I bought a laptop over 2 years ago because, at the time, I spent a lot of time not being at home and so it made a lot of sense. At some point I must explain what I was doing instead of being at home but that's a story for another day. Now laptops are great inventions and most of the blog to date has been typed mine, however I've noticed a tendancy for them to be tempramental. It could be a variety of reasons behind this, I guess that the transportation has an effect as will the temperatures that build up as well. I'm blaming the laptop but of course it's very likely that it could be the fault of Windows XP.

Whatever the reason it still annoys me that from time to time it will seem to 'take a turn' and I'll end up either having to re-install Windows or I'll have to fix a corrupt registry. It's happened so often that I'm actually becoming very skilled at performing these tasks.


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